Snow Moon

The full Moon of February is known as the Snow Moon.

The Snow Moon happens around Imbolc, the midway point of Winter, symbolizing the coming Spring and the renewal of life. It's a moon that symbolizes change and transition, new beginings and fresh starts. They're not always easy, like the mercurial nature of February, they will pose challenges, but change is growth.

Full moons are powerful. They are opportunity to charge and recharge crystals, make moon water, cleanse objects, and more. A good opportunity to reflect on the changes you desire and to focus on how to bring them about.

The colours of the Snow Moon are purple, pink, blue, and white. You can use these with candle magic or in other ways if you're planning rituals or spells on this day. 

Other ideas include collecting snow (perhaps charing it with the light of the full moon as it melts), meditation on the future, lighting candles, and more. I have a major life change days away from me now, it feels deeply appropriate to have the Snow Moon send me on to it, so I will spend some time tonight thinking about that and preparing myself. 
